Australia’s Annabel Rolley joins Golf Channel: videos
Australia’s Annabel Rolley hosts The Golf Channel’s new golf tip program.
Unfortunately we aren’t able to view the Golf Channel in Australia but there are plenty of great videos on the website including a new show called Lesson Tee Live which is hosted by Australia’s Annabel Rolley.
Rolley is a golf professional from Brisbane who began working as a trainee professional at Royal Sydney Golf Club before accepting a teaching role at the Trump National Golf Club in New York.
Rolley has done lots of earlier TV work including segments on The Golf Show but she’s landed this gig at the Golf Channel that focuses on tips to improve your own golf game.
The video above shows Rolley giving a few tips on how to stop the snap hook shot. And here is another to get you off your back foot during your follow through.
And the video that launched the new program…
Looks like she’s there because she fits the classic American notion of “a babe”.