How not to hit an iron off the tee: photo
This is not what they had in mind when Murray’s playing partners told him to hit an iron off the tee.
This great photo crossed our desk this week and we just had to pass it on.
This is Carbook Golf Club member Murray Nilsen lining up his drive after having some troubles off the first tee. From the Carbook website:
After regularly taking a wood from the 1st tee and having little success for a long period of time, Carbrook member Murray Nilsen has been told by his playing partners Peter Mayo and Steve Taafe on numerous occasions to “use an iron off the tee”.
Murray has since managed to iron out a few creases in his game.
Haha glad you guys can see the fun side of great game of Golf. The old man clearly doesnt like to iron his pants:)
Haha…The old man clearly doesn’t like to iron his pants.