The birth of the Australian Masters
The 2008 Australian Masters is only days away and one of Australia’s greatest golf writers*, Peter Stone, has written an article which appeared in a few of Australia’s weekend newspapers.
It is a truly fantastic account of the origins of the Australian Masters with some great stories surrounding its inception including when founder David Inglis and tournament sponsor Frank Williams attended their first US Masters, several years after the Australian version began:
They were called to the office of the late Clifford Roberts, a tyrant of a man who created the Masters with Bobby Jones. “Here is a list of alternative names for your tournament. Please use one of them,” Roberts said, before dismissing them. They didn’t, and they left Augusta with huge grins.
Here’s the full article from the Sydney Morning Herald. If you have any interest in where the tournament or the tradition has come from don’t miss it.
*Aussie Golfer is 28th (with a bullet) on the list of Australia’s best golf writers^
^ Not true
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