SPEED GOLF ROB: You’ve never seen golf tips like this before

You won’t regret watching these wild instructional golf videos from Speed Golf Rob – “Make your golf swing an adventure!”

There is a growing number of golf fans following along with the instruction videos from Speed Golf Rob. If you haven’t seen them bedore, we can assure you they’re nothing like you’ve ever seen before.

Speed Golf Rob is the Instagram moniker of Rob Hogan – the Irish Open Speedgolf champion. Speedgolf is playing golf as quickly as you can, shooting the best score you can. Then you sum up your time, with your score. Minutes are added to the number of shots.

In an interview with pga.info, Rob says his best-ever Speedgolf score was 106 – 73 strokes in 33 minutes. (He’s written a book about Speedgolf too)

To put Hogan’s achievements into context, he once scorched around Druids Heath in Co. Wicklow in a mere 38 minutes while shooting a 79 gross. Having picked up a club aged 12, dreams of world record rounds were far from his mind but in California he broke that duck while he also has a personal best of 106.

“My personal best was in New Zealand which was 106 so 73+33,” says Hogan. “I have the record for the fastest round of golf ever on a course over 6000 yards in Speedgolf which was 35 minutes and 46 seconds in California.”

We digress a little. Because as amazing as his Speedgolf achievements are, his wild instructional golf videos on Instagram may be more amazing. The best way to describe them would be like Cat Weasel offering golf tips while hanging out at the beach.

Rob is looking wilder than ever, having grown out the hair and beard and he is offering golf tips in some wild locations around the beaches to the south of Dublin.

Even if the golf tips aren’t resonating with you, or you’re having a hard time understanding what’s going on, they’re wildly entertaining and attracting a big following.

Check them out, Marooch! Make your golf swing an adventure.

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