Playing angry golf… what’s the point?
On the embarrassing sight of the angry golfer.
After a few golfing buddies expressed their dismay at playing along-side some very angry golfers, I touched upon the awkward subject in my latest post for GolfLink: Angry golf… what’s the point?
Here we were, playing for a dozen balls, in an insignificant stableford competition at an obscure golf course in suburban Australia and this bloke reacted like the gates of Castle Black had just been breached.
After slamming away his club, he realised his kicking had blown the lid off his suncream bottle. A thick layer of SPF 30+ now caked the inside if his golf bag. Balls, tees and gloves included.
It was a sweet punishment by the golfing gods for someone who had somehow mistaken the Tuesday morning competition for The Masters, and their golf game for Greg Norman’s.
Check out the full article over at GolfLink.