OneAsia Tour rejected

Well so much for this new OneAsia Tour concept that has been talked about. It seems the progressive Asian Tour board hasn’t taken too kindly to the barging tactics the Australasian Tour body have been using and released a statement rejecting the whole idea a few weeks ago. Here’s an excerpt from the Asian Tour executive chairman’s statement:

The Australasian Tour, which has initiated the formation of the OneAsia Tour, has subsequently held meetings in Asia without inviting the Asian Tour to these meetings, which we view as going against the spirit of cooperation and an attempt to ‘invade’ Asia.

The Asian Tour has been the official sanctioning body for professional golf tournaments in Asia over the past 14 years and represents players from 26 nationalities and travels to 17 different countries to stage tournaments, which in 2008 held a record 30 events with an unprecedented US$39 million in total prize money.

Hence, we are appalled with the Australasian Tour’s attempt to create another tour in this region as the Asian Tour has already successfully achieved this objective with our well-documented growth over the past decade.

Pretty blunt! The Australasian Tour cannot afford to go without the Asian Tour and if this is all correct, its a poor way of going about uniting golf in the region.

2 thoughts on “OneAsia Tour rejected

  • Typical of alot of Aust. sport where we think that because we are good at it or have a strong presence in the sport that we automatically should be a controlling body, when realistically we are a very small player in the eyes of the sport on the basis of sponsorship dollars and tv revenue! Pull your heads out of your arses and try and add some value to your presence being involved with the Asian Tour!! Dumb!


  • Seems really unprofessional if the Australasian PGA just tried to start an Asian tour without consulting the existing tour. Packer may have been able to get away with it, but the Australasian PGA – laughable.

    I presonally think we should be part of the Asian tour (or if we are, I wouldn’t have known it). There is some great cash on offer and should get more exposure here.



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