Hugh Grant blames golf for being single

hugh grant golfHere’s a peek at what the game of golf can do to you. Hugh Grant has blamed golf for his current single status. He said the game has overtaken him like an addiction which has left little time for pursuing the fairer sex.

“When you say to a girl ‘I play golf’ her eyes glaze over. I do feel guilty about my golf. You know you’re a sad case when you spend your spare time reading books on putting or going on YouTube to watch slow motion golf swings,” he said.

“I’ll get out of bed in the middle of the night and practise my swing in front of a mirror. I’m obsessed and it’s destroying my life. Golf is an addiction,” he added.

Golf is certainly a more respectable pursuit than some of his previous ones. Given enough time and money, I’m sure many of us would attempt to court the very same fickle muse.

8 thoughts on “Hugh Grant blames golf for being single

  • I can identify with this. Any time a girl comes round I have to explain why there is a putter and a few balls at one end of the hallway, and a piece of paper the size of a hole stuck to the floor at the other end. Haha.

  • Boy, that’s a relief. I thought the girls had just gotten tired of him two-timing them…

  • I like Hugh a little more now. Watching Swing Vision on Youtube is extremely addicting.

  • Hugh’s awesome he gets heaps of chicks!

  • That’s hilarious Mr G, only just moved into a place with carpet again. Must break out the putter and balls before too long!


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