Dave Stockton on how to make six-footers
If you’re only going to read one article on putting, this is it.
I thought it was about time to share one of my “go-to” “how-to” articles when it comes to golf. This one concerns putting and specifically how to make-six-footers.
Putting guru Dave Stockton shared ten rules for putting in Golf Digest back in 2008. It is a mix of thoughts for the mind as much as anything but speaks to any level of golfer about the business end of the game that amazingly, few golfers do well.
Such as “stay away from dead straight”;
If there’s one thing a good putter hates, it’s an absolutely straight putt. The reason is, if you start the putt straight, you have a margin for error of only half a cup on either side.
And “forget about bad greens”;
Under pressure, all of your senses are heightened. There is a tendency to see more obstacles than usual along the line — scuff marks, ball marks, footprints, disruptions in the grain and so on. Ignore them. If you strike the ball solidly and impart a true roll, the chances of anything knocking the putt off line are remote.
Seriously, even if you’re a good putter, these 10 rules are worth a read.
Golf Digest: 10 Rules From Dave Stockton: How to make six-footers
Has he got one on “How to make three-footers”?