Check out this guy’s incredible golf ball collection
Here is something a little nuts we’ve been meaning to share for a while now, a 15,000 golf ball collection.
Golf Digest’s Stephen Hennessey reported on this incredible collection of golf balls in the attic of this guy’s house in South Carolina.
The collection consists of over 15,000 golf balls including balls signed by famous golfers including Arnold Palmer and Gary Player.
Any golfer could appreciate the construction requirements Coupe set for his golf-ball collection in his new home.
“I’m looking for museum-quality here,” Coupe told his builders.
As the thousands of tiny shelves were being custom built in his attic, Coupe hand-drilled little depressions to allow for the golf balls to rest perfectly on each beam. The result is definitely museum-quality—and must be seen to be fully appreciated.
Read the full article over at Golf Digest.