R&A launch Rules of Golf iPhone app

True or False: A ball lies in a part of a tree overhanging a water hazard. The ball is in the water hazard? (Answer below)
The R&A have recently launched their official Rules of Golf iPhone application. It’s free and available for the iPhone, iPad and iTouch.
It includes a quick guide explaining playing procedures in more frequently encountered situations, plenty of images and videos as well as a personalised guide to etiquette from Padraig Harrington.
But if you don’t have an iPhone get the rules of golf book format. It should be in every golf bag.
Get the official R&A Rules of Golf iPhone application here.
Answer: True. Question courtesy of a Rules quiz at the R&A website.
More Rules of Golf
Out of bounds from a bunker
Playing from a hazard
The teeing ground
A crow took my golf ball
A great idea, everyone carries their phone with them during the round (most turn the ringtone off), however Im a non iPhone user, hope they also develop an Android version, or a mobile website version too!!!
Yes hopefully. I agree. A mobile website version would be fantastic.
Is there anything an iPhone can’t do. Love the iPhone but can’t stand them on the golf course. It is , or should be one of the last sanctuary’s from the all invasive tecnology.