My day getting fitted for new golf clubs at Pure Performance Golf Labs: video

In the search for a set of new golf clubs, I decided to get fitted at Pure Performance Golf Labs.

I haven’t bought a new set of golf clubs in 6 years and I’ve decided it’s about time I purchased a new set. After mentioning this to a few people I was reminded by a friend of Pure Performance Golf Labs located in Alexandria, Sydney.

Loaded with very little information on what these guys do, I got in contact with them and lined up a time to head along for a personalised fitting.

3 thoughts on “My day getting fitted for new golf clubs at Pure Performance Golf Labs: video

  • Hey AG, good piece.

    Question though, what sort of $ for the fitting, and also, did you end up buying the clubs/shafts from them directly?

    Cheers, Nathan.

  • Hey Nathan, there is no doubt it is pricey as the clubs are personally fitted and they get built in the US and sent over. It depends a lot on heads, shafts and grip combination. I’ve got a few options I’m currently weighing up thru PPGL directly.

  • They don’t miss you on cost. You get told they don’t push you into a particular shaft and if the stock shaft is right for you then that is what you go with. In my experience with them and the people I have spoken to you always get pushed into a more expensive shaft. For instance if you don’t like a particular club head they will put it with a cheaper shaft and then rule them both out. When you like a particular club head they start putting in different shafts and tell you what you want to hear regardless of your own perception/feel. What mid handicap amateur is going to disagree with a pro who tells you that this particular combo will make you better. I got sold on the fact I was hitting the new clubs further, I later found out that this was because the degrees in that particular 6 iron was lower than my current club so naturally it would go further. At the end of the process you get asked to pick a grip, as someone with no particular preference, you go with recommendation. At the till you find out that is an extra charge, for someone who would have been happy with a stock grip you end up paying $175 for something you didn’t want or need in my case. At the end I purchased clubs, a mistake, even if you are willing to spend to get the right shaft, the grip you want and for them to put them together at $45 a club, always walk away with the quote. Despite the lovely golf pro persona they are salesmen after all, and good ones.


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