Should Golf be an Olympic sport?
Our London-based Aussie Golfer correspondent recently sent me this email outlining his thoughts on golf being an Olympic sport.
Aussie Golfer has never really entertained the thought and is not overly convinced it should be considered but as I read over the 6 points he’s outlined below once again, I can’t fault any of them. Number 6 is especially true! Thanks Lewy.
“With golf, I’ve never understood why it isn’t an Olympic sport? Meets all the criteria that you would need, I would have thought:
- A well maintained and documented distinction between Amateurs and Professionals, so can keep with Olympic tradition and be Amateurs only;
- All countries play it;
- Could be match play or stroke – either way you could easily get the winner within 4 days – a week;
- Most countries have a national amateur championship, so selection would be easy;
- Any country hosting the Olympics would have a course that would be up to it; and
- The crowd would enjoy it.
I’ve always entertained the idea of writing to the Olympic committee to see why it isn’t included.”