Better greens = better putting
Is good putting related to good greens? Are the putting statistics from the professionals skewed somewhat because of the great quality of the greens they play on week after week? (Ignoring the 18th at Torrey Pines last year).
Aussie Golfer is begining to think they are. Professional golfers practise their putting more than anyone and will obviously be better putters than most. However, despite the professional tours being hosted at different courses each week, each course has greens of a quality that is second to none.
Your average golfer is not afforded this luxury but many are still aiming for the sort of stats Tiger and his compatriots keep. Be realistic. If you’re playing on a sub-standard golf course with sub-standard greens, don’t expect the best putting stats. Keep it in perspective and wait ’til you make the pro tour before getting too hard on yourself.
Yes, but if you don’t putt well on good greens, then blaming poor greens for poor putting is just fooling yourself!
We don’t all get to play Tour quality greens and good putting relates to good scoring, so it’s the ability to adjust to the quality and variances in the greens you are playing that is more to the point, being able to do this would suggest you are a reasonable putter, if all in your group suffer from the same afflictions during your round you may get some sympathy!
A poor putting stroke still remains poor, regardless of green quality!!!!
Green quality definitely matters especially in extreme cases like when they’re being cored (is that the right term?)or generally in the renovation stage. However for most club golfers a better putting stroke but more importantly speed control on long putts would greatly improve their putting stats regardless of green quality.
But don’t you think consistently good greens will help rather a good green, one ok one, two good ones, a bad one…OR good greens one day, bad greens the next, ok greens the next?