Tiger doesn’t care to limit technology
Tiger Woods answered a few questions from fans via his Twitter account on Friday and like most question and answer sessions with Woods, it was largely uninteresting.
He did have a curious comment to make about limiting golf technology but it started out in usual Woods fashion, giving mundane answers in response to questions about to preparation and putting.
Preparing like any other event, Sean and I working efficiently RT @The_Real_McFIy5m what’s hardest part about preparing for the season?
— Tiger Woods (@TigerWoods) January 20, 2012
No more lessons, still working on what he told me to do RT @DCGiesII How is the putting? Any more lessons from Stricker?
— Tiger Woods (@TigerWoods) January 20, 2012
The geeky Tiger Woods shone through for a moment;
Absolutely, probably more! New Justice League Doom coming out soon too RT @slickg720 are you as pumped as me about the dark knight rises?
— Tiger Woods (@TigerWoods) January 20, 2012
But his response to a fan asking him about limiting the impact of technology on golf was a weird one considering he has single handedly changed the length of Augusta National, not to mention many other golf courses.
Natural progression of golf, look at how ball has changed RT @RideTheKtrain should more be done to limit the impact of technology over skill
— Tiger Woods (@TigerWoods) January 20, 2012
I’m not entirely sure I agree and as Geoff Shackleford mentioned, he won’t get many more fans hoping he’ll break Jack Nicklaus’ record with that response.