Young Aussie clinches victory for ‘Jag-wahs’

A young Australian golfer has lead his school to victory at the prestigious NCAA Golf Championship in the US. Mitch Krywulycz 22 (far left), came from 4 shots down with seven holes to play to force a play-off which he won on the first playoff hole to clinch the win for the Augusta state Jaguars (pronounced “Jag-wahs” of course).
This is a big deal. It is hard to fathom as Australia has nothing like the NCAA Championships but the Division 1 NCAA Championship in any sport in the US is massive.
It is the only Division 1 sport that Krywulycz’s school, Augusta State competes in and they managed to beat the sporting behemoth Oklahoma state, making the victory ever more amazing.
To give you some idea, Oklahoma state has won the Division 1 NCAA Golf Championship 10 times and has five times more students than Augusta State. This is Augusta state’s first victory.
Check out video highlights of the event at GolfWeek.