World’s longest golf course set to open
The world’s longest golf course is set to open in Australia in October. Aussie Golfer reported on Nullarbor Links last year and outlined it was to become 18 holes laid out across the Nullarbor Plain. A vast, flat area of the Australian outback stretching across the states of Western Australia and South Australia.
You couldn’t get a more boring drive. I wonder if there are any more boring drives in the world than across the Nullarbor Plain. It’s long, flat and incredibly monotonous. This is where the golf course comes in.
Each hole is placed at a town on the road across the Nullarbor starting at and ending at Kalgoorlie or Ceduna and extends along a 1635 km stretch of the Eyre Highway. Nullarbor Links is set to open on October 22 with a 4-day tournament planned. About the time it takes to play one round.
Playing through the group in front may mean overtaking at very high speeds and with a 19th hole after every hole, this will make for some interesting rounds of golf to say the least.
Brumby’s Run – The par-3 9th hole at Madura.
Michael, Nullabour Links is creating terrific interest, not only in Australia but throughout the golfing world. Glad to see that both the South Australian and West Australian goverments are right behind the project.
I’m foundation member #47 – all I’ve got to do now is plan a trip to WA
Foundation member! Fantastic!
All forms of growth in regards to the great game of golf is healthy for the world’s economy, as it’s emotional state of mind.
I hate to be a cynic- but is it really the longest golf course? YES it is over the longest area from first tee to 18th green, but you dont have to hit the ball the entire way!! That would be a long course for sure. Great marketing gimmick though.;)
Oh no, cynic away! You’re spot on. It’s a nice marketing ploy but there’s no way it’s the longest golf course in the world in the sense that we know it.
IF golf course length WAS measured including path length between tees, I’ve played a few resort courses that could rival it in length! Ridiculous how far it is between green and next tee.
A long way to hit a ball? Maybe crazy golf players too. He He
So interesting. I was at a golf course last week in Phoenix, Arizona and I got talking with the assistant Pro…. somewhere within my conversation I mentioned I was heading to Australia at the end of the year. He said “you have to play the longest course in the world, it’s in Australia”. That was the first I heard of it.