What happens when your drive bounces off your partners golf ball?
Another week, and another rules reminder courtesy of the PGA Tour players.
The pro’s are doing a good job of giving us ordinary folk a rules reminder or too every week, but it would be pretty unlikely to see this happen in your lifetime. American Kelly Kraft’s drive hits his partners golf ball on the full, sending both balls off in opposite directions.
A slow-mo replay showed that it was Kraft’s ball bounced backwards, forcing him to play from further back down the fairway. His partner, Kyle Reifer was then required to drop his ball back to where it originally lay. All in accordance to Rule 18-5 of course, which says:
“If a ball in play and at rest is moved by another ball in motion after a stroke, the moved ball must be replaced.”
Other rules reminders courtesy of the pro’s:
Zach Johnson breaks rules and still wins the golf tournament
McDowell penalised for moving his golf ball
Yes those rules are spot on. It was unlucky for Kraft as his ball would no doubt have gone an extra 15 to 20 yards further down the fairway.