Tiger v Phil rematch is on, this time with NFL playing partners

Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson will again face-off in a made-for-TV golf match with a couple of NFL stars as playing partners.

A month or so after a number of golf fans suggested some exhibition-style golf matches should be played to keep us entertained during the coronavirus lockdown, there are strong rumours that Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson will once again go head-to-head.

The previous match between Woods and Mickelson was played as a pay-per-view event for $9million and was widely criticised for lacking any real highlights and tension.

The rematch (reported by Bleacher Report and confirmed by Mickelson) will see all money raised going to the COVID-19 relief efforts with both Woods and Mickelson teaming up with a couple of superstar quarterbacks from the NFL.


Officially called “The Match: Champions for Charity”, Woods will team up with former Indianapolis Clots QB Peyton Manning while Mickelson will partner with the new Tampa Bay Buccaneers QB Tom Brady.

There is reportedly a bunch of logistics to work through including what date this will occur and which course the match will take placeĀ  – and no word on whether or not we’ll be able to see this in Australia.

We’ll keep you informed if we find out.

Any sport no matter how much of an exhibition it is would be a welcome distraction right now.

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