The Allenby saga continues: Witness mentions strip club and lava rock
I’ve been holding back a little on this story purely because a lot of the doubt that people are expressing over Robert Allenby’s story is pure speculation. But in the interest of continuing this story, here is the latest.
According to Robert Allenby, he was attacked by two homeless men after being dumped from the boot of a car last Friday night. But the two homeless men have come forward and offered up their version of events and they conflict with Allenby’s story.
Chris Khamis is supposedly one of the homeless men in question and he told the Honolulu Star-Advertiser that it was stupidity that led to Alleby’s injuries, after he had fallen and hit his head on a lava rock after possibly being drugged at a strip club.
“There was no crime (when I was present). It was his stupidity,” Khamis said in an interview. “(Allenby) passed out and hit his head. I was there. Nobody pushed him out of a car.”
Khamis didn’t actually see Allenby hurt himself because he had turned around, looking for someone on the street with a phone to call a taxi. At the time, Allenby was not injured.
“I had turned around for just a second,” Khamis said. “Nobody was around us.”
But when Khamis looked back at Allenby, the golfer was on the ground, bleeding.
“There he was, I was like, ‘Oh, my God!'”
Khamis said he gave Allenby a stack of napkins from his bag and tried to get Allenby to focus, but Allenby kept repeating that he was a millionaire and waved around his American Express Platinum Card.
Khamis told Allenby he wasn’t sure a taxi would take a credit card and offered to give his last $7 to pay for Allenby’s taxi fare back to his hotel.
“He was very down, very, very down, about losing,” Khamis said of Allenby before he was injured. Allenby had missed the cut to the Sony Open on Friday, the afternoon before the incident.
In summary, Allenby claims he was kidnapped, beaten and robbed after having a meal at a nice restaurant in Waikiki Beach last week. He told reporters the day after the incident that he was hit and thrown into the boot of a car before being thrown out 10 miles away. A homeless woman came to his aide when he found himself on the ground and being attacked by two homeless men.
Now stripped of his wallet and phone, he was escorted into a cab by a passing retired military man. Even worse was that is was Allenby’s eldest daughter’s birthday the following day and without his phone, he had no means to contact her.
Then the homeless woman was found – and Allenby gave her a reward. And now this story comes to light.
Once again, this is all hearsay until some evidence is shown that clearly contradicts Allenby’s story.