TaylorMade release new Spider putter
A few months ago Aussie Golfer was checking out new putters and came across this one which has generated a huge amount of interest since its release earlier in the year. The TaylorMade Rossa Spider is a bizarre looking thing. I never thought I’d be the least bit interested in something that looks this weird but professionals and golf store owners I’ve spoken to have all said it is the best putter on the market.
After a few putts I had to concede it felt fantastic. It’s a face-balanced putter and one of the main reasons it has everyone buzzing is that you can play the ball off any point on the face of the putter.without a loss of power. Most putters only have a small sweet spot in the centre of the face from which all balls should be hit. I hit many putts from different spots off the face, applying the same stroke to each and all putts went the same distance.I didn’t end up buying the putter for a few reasons.
Firstly, it’s ridiculously priced. Paying around $300 for a putter in my opinion is stupid. Don’t give me the argument about it being a 10 year investment cause a $10 putter can be a 10 year investment too.
Secondly, how often do you hit putts anywhere other than middle of the face of the club? It may help occasionally under pressure putts but the putter doesn’t maketh the golfer.However the pro’s are using it and reportedly David Toms is using it after initially refusing to putt with anything so strange. If you’ve got a lot of spare cash, you’re looking for a new putter and you don’t mind a bit of ribbing from your mates, the Spider may be for you.
Tt does look extremely popular with the pro’s but I notice the best putters still use a traditonal blade putter. So when I see Tiger woods pulling one of these out of the bag I may consider it.
The 10 year issue is not relating to cost, Aussy golfer has got this all wrong. When you get a putter you have to live with it which gives you two options. 1, buy a $10 disposable putter and when you have a bad putting day throw it in the bin. Secondly you invest in a great putter and know that a good trades person never blames the tools. Watch out for the other logical option, (buying an average priced putter) this choice represents no mans land
Interesting, its most often not the putter that is the problem, if you’re not putting well, I’d say look at you’re stroke, not the putter!!
However golfers want to find excuses outside of themselves as to the cause of a problem, hence the reason Aussie Golfer just purchased a new putter after years of putting with a $10 putter with a tennis grip on it!!!!
So hang on. The price of the putter determines how long you can consider hanging on to it for before beginning to think you can get another?
I think that the thing to think about is this, driver technology may help you hit the ball longer, but if you can’t hit it straight it doesn’t matter, right?!
Putter technology will not make you a better putter!! Yeah sure the putter has better balance, softer feel, blah blah blah if you don’t hit the putt with a square face and if you struggle for distance control a new expensive putter will not help!!