Ryo Ishikawa
I assume you’ve all heard of Ryo Ishikawa right? If not, I’ve no doubt you soon will. He’s fast becoming the Japanese Tiger Woods. I don’t think I’m understating the expectations on him. Check out the link and his website sponsored by Panasonic. He’s 17 you know.
A few years ago he became the youngest winner on the Japanese Tour and has just won 2 out of the last 3 tournaments. It was unfortunate he beat Brendan Jones last week in the process but his shots to win the event were quite amazing. Dare I say, a little Tiger like?
Tip of the hat to The Constructivist over at Mostly Harmless for bringing the video to my attention. Unfortunately, all of Brendan Jones’ shots have been edited out but it’s great viewing. It gives a nice feel for what we may see of this kid in future and just how big golf in Japan really is. It’s something that’s often forgotten.
He’s teeing up in the PGA Championship next week.