Are tickets to see Tiger too expensive?
Some early reports focused on limiting ticket sales to 20,000 each day and then a few reports mentioned the prices had gone up. Last year, the price of a ticket was $30. The price for this year’s event is now, $44. A ticket for the final round on Sunday will set you back $49.
Is it really that expensive? The golf tournament is held once a year, you get at least six hours of entertainment and I’ve yet to mention Tiger Woods is playing.
Catching a game of footy at the MCG will set you back $43.50, a ticket to day one of last year’s Boxing Day Test Match costs $51 and a seat at the singles finals at the Australian Open Tennis last January would have set you back $289.90!
Aussie Golfer can see that there may be an argument for paying Tiger the $3 million appearance fee but I cannot agree that $44 to see him play is expensive at all.
Although not up to speed on the value of the Aussie dollar at the moment, I agree wholeheartedly. Besides, a golf ticket gives you an opportunity to see lots of great players–not just Tiger.
That’s definitely a cheap day out compared to other events that are around. I actually had expected to cost a lot more.
I’ve never paid for a ticket to a golf event, nor have anyone I know. Usually, the newspapers and TV/Radio stations and their sponsors give them out like candy.
Game day tickets to see the New York Yankees in mediocre seats are $300. Box seats and sky boxes are up to over $1,500 per seat. So, if you have four season tickets it runs you about $480,000.
Appearance fees for golf suck…
OEG: Yes, golf tickets at one point were the same here. Lots of freebie’s. they vowed to crack down last year and it’s been hard to get tickets ever since. The prices are still good value and shouldn’t put anyone off going.
As of this morning $1 AU = $0.80 US…
It is well worth $44 bucks, considering that there will most likely also be other “BIG” name stars that will now come play The Masters because Tiger is playing. Give it a few more months and Im sure more Top 50 players will commit to come. Then $44 will seem cheap and all the tickets will be sold out already! They go on sale today by the way. The PR already generated about the event and Melbourne will be worth way more than $3mil- This country needs to think on a much bigger scale!! Have fun if you go- I wonder if all 20,000 people will be only watching Tiger??