Handy Cap app set to survive with help from Golf Australia

The demise of Handy Cap appears to be premature with Golf Australia offering to help fix the popular app.

The Handy Cap app looks set to survive after Golf Australia said they will work with the developer to ensure it has access to Australian golfer handicaps.

The Handy Cap app gives golfers “a quick and convenient way to track your official Australian golf handicap” as well as a way to track the handicaps of your mates.

But last week it appeared Handy Cap had run its race after users reported “refresh errors” when trying to access handicapping information.

Growing in popularity over the past five years, the Handy Cap developer has admitted it was always just a fun side project to follow the golf course fortunes of his friends and access was always going to be vulnerable to changes to the Golf Australia handicapping system.

In a sign of just how popular the app has become, many golfers took to social media to vent their frustration before Golf Australia announced through their Twitter feed they are working with Hohn to resolve the access issues.

“Golf Australia has been made aware of problems for many golfers who have been using the Handy Cap app. The problems stem from an upgrade to the app that was released last week”, the announcement read.

“We are currently working with Handy Cap on finding a technical resolution for users. A timeline for this solution has been made more challenging by the impending release next week of the World Handicap System.”

Yesterday, Handy Capp added a pop-up note to thank users and update everyone on the support from Golf Australia.

After the death of the flawed GolfLink Mates app that never reached its true potential, the simple (but programmatically complex) Handy Cap app has filled a void for Australian golfers to keep in touch with their golfing mates.

The number of golfers expressing their frustration when Handy Cap stopped working was surprising and showed the demand for such a service for Australian club golfers.

2 thoughts on “Handy Cap app set to survive with help from Golf Australia

  • since when has golf aust. been entitled to close down the handy cap app. G.A. is all players in aus.
    not over paid greedy dickheads trying to monopolise players handicaps so they can rip more money out of them. I say get rid of them immediately!

  • Will the full results of a days play become available again?


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